Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Adios Amigo!

Ok, in keeping to my one day pledge to set ABM's anger aside, I will temper my comments on Bush's departure. Suffice it to say...I don't know what I am more happy about, Barack Obama being inaugurated or the realization that the Bush nightmare is finally over! I believe history will mark him as the worst President in US history. I won't wait for history however...I'll say it now (but today without anger). While I wish him well cutting wood on the ranch, I will be happy if I never see him again. He has done much damage to our nation and it will likely take a generation to recover from it.

I do hope that he will do something profitable with the rest of his life however. CNN's Roland Martin suggested that former President Bush dedicate his life to rebuilding New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. Now that would be truly admirable, but Bush is not that introspective...and why should he fix something that he thinks he handled right the first time, right? Well I'll end this before I break my no-anger pledge.

Adios Amigo, don't let the door hit ya...

The Begnning of a New Era...and the End of a Big Error

Ok folks, the Angry Black Man is going to suspend all anger on the occasion of this auspicious event. Today is truly the beginning of a new era. Our President has just challenged us in his inaugural address to "put away childish things" and work to rebuild America in this "New Era of Responsibility", which he defines as "-- a recognition, on the part of every American, that we have duties to ourselves, our nation and the world; duties that we do not grudgingly accept but rather seize gladly, firm in the knowledge that there is nothing so satisfying to the spirit, so defining of our character, than giving our all to a difficult task."

So today, each of us who really loves America must examine ourselves, look deep within to seek what we can do to contribute to this effort. For, in our new President's words..."This is the price and the promise of citizenship."
So ABM is shelving his anger for a day to reflect on history, but tomorrow I'll be right back at it, for as long as injustice, corruption, stupidity and REPUGNICANS exist in America...ABM will still have work to do, but for today you can call me PA...Proud American!

You can view the text of the inaugural address here: http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/01/20/obama.politics/index.html

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Making a Difference

I ran across this article on CNN and really found it amazing. Here, Spencer Brodsky, a 17 year old Jewish boy from Maryland created a project to buy stoves for the women of Darfur. Now we're not talking about GE Profile, rather smaill efficient wood-burning stoves. These stoves are important because firewood there is scarce and many women are raped or murdered as they roam miles and miles from their homes foraging for firewood to cook their food.
Many of us talk about making a difference, but seldom do. Here is an extraordinary young man who is making a tremendous difference before he is even old enough to vote! If you are as moved by his effort as the ABM was, I hope that you will consider donating $30 to buy one of these stoves to support this project. Below is the link to Spencer's website, where you can read his story and about the women of Darfur. There is also a link on it for donations.


ABM: Back in the Saddle with the January "Good Guys of the Month" Award

Ok fans, the ABM has been out of pocket for about a week but I'm back in the saddle and ready for a year that will be full of surprises (because Idiots are so unpredictiable). Well first out of the chute was going to be Ol' Undependable Adam "Pacman" Jones for his usual studpidity, but just as I was about to put pen to paper (actually cursor to screen....but you feel me), I ran across the most incredible sports story I have read in probably 10 years.... I really can't do it justice, but ESPN's Rick Reilly, did so I invite your attention to football story that is not just "feel good", it's REAL GOOD and is a wonderful example of people who truly "get it" in what sports is supposed to mean and even more important, a bunch of "Bible Thumpers" who actually READ what the Good Book says and demonstrated the love it speaks of in a rare and wonderful way.

These people in Grapevine, Texas truly "walked the walk" when the team from Grapevine Faith School (GFS) played the "convicts" of Gainsville State School. To the credit of the great people of GFS, they appreciated the fact that these "convicts" were actually young kids who life had about given up on and really needed to feel the love and compassion that was so lacking in their lives. So on that night in Grapevine, Texas, the people of GFS cheered on the boys from the state prison school like they were their very own sons!

The ABM takes his hat off to the fine people of Grapevine, and awards the ABM "Good Guys of the Month" (GGOM) Award for January 2009 to GFS Head Coach Kris Hogan and the fine players and families of GFW. And to any schools looking for a coach of tremendous character, find a guy like Hogan and lock him down to a multi-year contract!

Ok, enough of my blabbering, here's the story. Enjoy...


PS and for those who wonder why we have a "Good Guy of the Month" but an Idiot of the Week, I'm not really sure, it just seems that we find 4 true idiots for every truly worthy Good Guy, must be some twisted Law of Average Idiots