Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The US Economy on Life Support...$700 Billion Dollars Worth of Bad Medicine?

Ok, I've had it! This is the first post on Angry Black Man. Well I'm not angry in the usual sense that Black men are characterized as, rather I am mad as hell that my country is falling apart at the seams and too many people dont' seem to give a damn. The Repugnican (spelling intentional) party and all their rhetoric about deregulation and lack of government oversite (in the guise of reducing Big Government) have let their friends on Wall Street squeeze every dime out of our economy like the air out of a balloon.

So what's the solution (drum roll please) Ta Da! You, Mr. or Mrs. American Taxpayer, pull out your checkbook and make out a modest $700 BILLION DOLLAR check to prop up the economy. Well I'm no economic whiz, though I did get an A in it in college, but I dont' remember the part about how buying 3/4 of a TRILLION dollars worth of BAD DEBT, is a good thing. That wasn't in the textbook. I read it cover to cover and didn't find that part anywhere. And, oh yes, they don't want any oversight, just mail in the check and "trust us". Well that's like leaving your doors unlocked, posting a sign in your yard announcing it and inviting every criminal in town to stop by for a visit.

So we're supposed to give $700 Billion dollars to the same bunch of kleptomaniacs who fleeced us once and let them figure it out. And just like the Patriot Act, it's so essential that we do this quickly and take a vote without reading the fine print..."trust us". Last time I checked our money said "In God We Trust". If He asks us for $700 Billion then I say ante up, but to give those crooks (wasn't Treasury Secretary Paulson a former Chairman of Goldman Sachs after all?) that much money without any real oversight and accountability is pure lunacy. If we do...then we deserve what we get!


Unknown said...

Okay what's the answer, I'm reading what you are saying and agree with it, but what is the answer to a failing economy.

Ben said...

I'm not sure my friend. In fact I'm not saying we should not bail out Wall Street...might be in our interest to do so. Rather I am saying there must be very strict controls on any bailout...so some fat cat doesn't cash out 50 or 110 million of your tax dollars as a reward for mismanaging his financial firm.

JYD said...

The rights of US citizens are apportioned according to the amount of wealth one can maintain. The state and its evil political conductor (elected officials) overtly express on a daily basis that the possessing class must be constantly protected at all cost. The alliance between government and the Stock exchange is nothing new and has in itself become stronger and stronger as the public debt has increased. The only answer to the enigma which perplexes us, lies in the inevitable evolution of our economy.

Trish said...

Change is the answer and I am not just talking about change in Washington and on Wall Street.

The American people need to understand the importance of changing their mindset today more than EVER! We can not afford to wait until the next crisis before we begin to hold our elected officials accountable for mismanagement, waste, and greed. It is time that we realize that it will affect all of us in the long run… it is not the other guys problem.

In a large part due to the last eight years of the Republican administration more people both Democrats and Republicans have become interested in the 2008 election and some would say that this is a great thing, I would also say that is a “typical” American mindset… now lets get involved when there is a problem or an immediate crisis or outcry. Prior to this election some of us hardly paid any attention to what our State and Local officials were doing or saying in Washington on our behalf. As long as it wasn’t happening in our world or was happening somewhere way over there we were just fine.

Our government has been asleep at the wheel and we the American people have been sightseeing in the back of the car and it has now taken a head on collision for us to finally open our eyes. Don’t just elect a new President, Senator, Congressman or State Representative and think that you have done your part… make it your business to hold them to what they promised to do if you would vote for them.

The time to get involved is NOW not the next election or major crisis that WILL affect not SOME of us, or the OTHER guy… but ALL OF US… WE THE PEOPLE!

HWMFE said...

Why is you're blog called "Angry Black Man"? What difference does your color make?
Also, to give any political party money, is silly! They are only in it for the cash in the first place!!! They will gt a nice donation out of your $700 billion, from the heads of the companys that you save!

Virtuous said...

Gonna love your blog. Found you via Traveling Diva!

Exquisite said...

My quiet comment seems so simplistic it just can’t be the answer. With 700B being tossed around like it actually reads 100.00 and folks hammering and posturing through out the night to come to an agreement to sign said chit. Why is it that the big money makers on Wall Street, you know the ones. The deities of this debacle are not having their assets /bonuses put toward the 700B to “help the cause”. In 2006 we were told the best choice for Treasury was HM Paulson Jr. This gentleman believes in donating his personal wealth to conservancy causes. How about he rallies some of his economic frat brothers to conserve our financial infrastructure. The very same ones that assisted in pillaging and plundering to get to the pinnacle of where they are today…(about to be drawn and quartered).

In the name of saving the free world, these financial titans should donate the monies they reportedly made toward this 700B pittance. They still would have nice tidy personal sums left, since I am sure there are obscene amounts that they didn’t report and hid or loop holed to death.

My point, they should be forced, by any means necessary, to help bail their own azzes out. Unless they want to have this countries new name be “formerly known as”, because some foreign government saved us from collapse so now they have naming rights.

Ben said...

I call it Angry Black Man because my color does matter. It matters in how I view the world. Also it is an attention getter and in blogging this is important.

Also I never said give a dime to a party. I recommended supporting a candidate or candidates whose views and values are closest to yours. By the way, by the time of the bailout, if it happens, any money from it will probably be too late to make a difference in this election.

Unknown said...

Well the first plan failed and for what I can gather from the poor delivery of the media propaganda is, the Reds were upset with the comments the speaker made during her opening remarks… With that said now its back to the drawing board to see if we can play fair in the sand box. As for me, I would like to see a plan pass, only if it helps the poor not the rich. Nevertheless, we all know… how that goes…