Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Why I Call Them Repugnicans

Hey ABM can't you spell, some might ask. Yep, pretty well too, but you have to understand that when discussing the modern Republican party, the first thing that comes to mind is REPUGNANT. Defined by Webster's, repugnant means incompatible, inconsistent or exciting distaste or aversion as in a morally repugnant practice. Yep, hits the nail right on the head for me.

Something that is repugnant usually sickens or nauseates us. That's exactly what 8 years of Repuglican rule has done for me. Just the thought of what they've done to the country I love, the country that I have served in uniform my entire adult life, sickens me to my very core. Remember 8 years ago when Repugnicans promised us morality, family values, TRUTH, responsibility and above all, accountability. Yep, this was the American Pie, moral crusader regime who was supposed to make America that bright beacon on the hill. They ranted and raved against immigrants, homosexuals, thsoe who wanted to government regulation and oversight on the business world and most of all the evil, immoral Democrats, personified by the Clintons. They said, "elect us and we will make everything better:"

Hello, I don't know about you, but I was doing fine 8 years ago. I slept well at night and felt confident that America would only grow stronger and more vibrant. We were at peace and had a prosperous economy. Americans had real hope back then. So, what have we gotten out of those empty promises? Let's examine the record:

Do the names, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Libby, Rove and the Patriot Act mean anything to you? How about Alberto Gonzalez, Jack Abramhoff, Kenneth Lay, Bernard Kerik or Tom DeLay? Do they ring any bells? Or Tom Foley, Larry Craig, Ted Haggard, Duke Cunningham or Randall Tobias? Still drawing a blank? Well try Googling these names and read for yourself. These are just a few examples of the rampant lies, abuse of power, corruption, greed, crimanility and malfeasance of every type imaginable. (Check out this link for an interactive "Scandal Map" http://slate.com/features/2007/scandal_guide/scandalmap.html )

The party who promised a strong defense, lied to us about Iraq and used terrorism to justify everything they want to do whether it is legal or not. If it's real illegal, they will just change the laws to make it legal. They want to remake the world on their neocon theories without the benefit of considering history, culture or regional politics.

The party who promised to protect society against homosexual culture, has had more gay sex scandals than you can shake a stick at (no pun intended of course). This is the party of Foley who sent lascivious emails and text messages to teenaged House pages....and the Speaker of the House Denny Hastert helped cover it up! This is the party of Senator Larry "Wide Stance" Craig for Minneapolis Airport bathroom fame (wonder if he flew to the Twin Cities for the Repugnican convention?)

The party who promised accountability presided over the biggest economic meltdown since the Great Depression (the jury is still out on this one) while their friends in the banking, real estate and petroleum business got filthy rich and then pulled the rug out from under the people who live on Main Street, all the while telling us our economy is fundamentally sound. They bankrupt companies, running them into the ground then running off with huge severance packages...can you say Golden Parachute? Where the hell was our government when Wall Street was fleecing America? Now as Bill Maher recently said, "We're asking the poor to bail out the rich".

The party who promised to "clean up Washington" has left a foul stench in our nostrils. It will take a least a generation to clean up their messes. Yep, the Repuglicans have left a huge pile of #@$ for us all to clean up...hope you've got a big shovel.


Unknown said...

What can I say, Ben? Other than the fact that you are absolutely, positively, 100% right on this one. * years ago everything was fine, it might not have been perfect but we didn't have to worry about any of the madness we are having to deal with now. I mean I honestly considered re-enlisting a few years back, but then we invaded Iraq, and that kinda killed any and all thoughts of being in the military, because I flat out refuse to fight in a war we have no business fighting in the first place. Don;t get me wrong, being in the military was one of the best things that I have done in my life, and I do not at all ever regret having put on the uniform and volunteered to serve, protect and defend this country with my life, but now, I can't even begin to fathom how far we have fallen from the way that we were as a nation, as a world power, and as a country in the last 8 years. Do I still love this country, yes with every breath in my body and beat of my heart, I do not, however, love or condone any of the actions our leader or his political party have taken in the last 8 years. The worst part of it all is that instead of the country as a whole reaping the consequences of our actions, the middle class and the poor are taking the biggest hit.

The Poly Hobby Mommy said...

LOL! I love this... thanks for the well informed laugh..

pink kitty