Saturday, December 27, 2008

Idiot of the Week - Christmas Week Edition

Ok folks, in the spirit of the holiday season, the original ABM plan was to forego selecting an IoW this know, peace on earth and goodwill to all men...but, good idiots never rest, not even for the Yuletide season, so I have been forced to scrap that plan, shake off my Tryptophan-induced stupor and call out another dubmass who has distinguised himself through world class-level stupidity. No folks, this one could not wait until next week. This distinguished idiot is none other than Chip Saltsman, a Tennessee Repugnican, who has been linked to Mike Huckabee and Bill Frist in past campaigns.

It seems that this fool sent out hundreds of holiday music CDs with included a song entitled "Barack the Magic Negro" which is sung to the tune of "Puff the Magic Dragon". The song first aired on the radio show of repugnican has been, Rush Limbaugh. Well maybe Rush was high on Oxycontin as usual, but what's this Saltsman fool's excuse. You can read the full text of the article on CNN here :

You know I won't waste too much time on this is what it is. The Repunicans just don't get it. This idiot is acuatlly a candidate for Chairman of the Repugnican Nat'l Party...oh I pray he wins. Given their track record of being stuck somewhere between the Dark Ages and the Civil War, I would not be surprised if they make him Chairman. And to think these jackasses are standing around scratching their heads wondering why they just lost the election in landslide proportions at every level from President down to local school board. They just can't figure out why 96% of Blacks, 67% of Hispanics and 56% of woman (ok, ladies, you probably are smarter than us guys) voted for Barack Obama!

Ok, I have wasted enough time on this truly extraordinary idiot. Back to my football, leftovers and afternoon naps. Happy Holidays to all, but stay on alert...idiots don't even take Christmas off, so beware!

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